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What is Agile Methodology?

Agile method is an iterative and incremental tactic to software design that utilizes constant planning, understanding, upgrading, team partnership, development, and delivery. The agile process is fragmented into separate models that teams work on, thereby encouraging flexibility to changes.

By definition, Agile methodology, a variety of project management approach, that is confirmedly deployed for software development, also where requirements and solutions unfold via the collaborative work of self- systemized and cross-functional teams and their users.

Types of Agile Methodology

There are various types of agile methodology available in the market to suit every project’s wants.

1. Agile Scrum Methodology

Scrum is a lightweight framework of Agile Project Management, it can be adopted to conduct iterative and all types of incremental projects.

One of the most popular agile methodology examples is the agile scrum development methodology, which is depicted by various cycles of development and has specific characteristics like simplicity, sustained productivity, and strength for blending several underlying approaches adopted by other agile methods.

Scrum breaks down the development phases into stages or cycles called ‘sprints’. The development time for each sprint is maximized and dedicated, thereby managing only one sprint at a time.

Scrum and agile methodologies focus on continuous deliverables, and thus this method lets designers adjust priorities to ensure that any incomplete or overdue sprints get more attention.

The hands-on system under Scrum includes easy steps and elements, that are the following : * Product owner, who creates an estimated wish list that is identified as a product backlog. * Scrum team, that takes one little part of the top wish list, termed as Sprint Backlog and work out in order to implement it. * After that scrum team concludes their sprint backlog task in a Sprint, i.e., a period of 2-4 weeks. In addition to that, the progress of their work can be accessed through a meeting that is called Daily Scrum. * The Scrum Master maintains the team focused toward their targets. * At the end of a sprint, the task is able to represent or transmit, and team finishes that particular sprint with a review and feedback and initiates with a new one.

2. Lean

It is the iterative, agile methodology that directs the team on addressing customer values by compelling value stream mapping, although, it is a deeply adaptable, emerging methodology with the absence of solid guidelines, laws, or methods.

The fundamental principles of Lean including;

  • Uninterrupted advancement,
  • Respect for other people,
  • Eradicate waste,
  • Rapid delivery,
  • Knowledge-making and
  • Defer commitment.

Lean gives the authority of decision-making to every individual and small teams as it is considered as the most faster and effective method in comparison to the hierarchical flow of control. It focuses on the proficient implementation of team resources and assures to make everyone as productive as possible for maximum time.

3. Kanban

Originating from the Japanese language, the translation of the word ‘Kanban’ is “visual board or signboard” and is connected to the concept of “just in time”!

Projects through Kanban are overseen with the help of the Kanban Board, which is divided into columns to depict the process flow of the software development. This helps in increasing visibility teams as the teams can see the progress through every stage of development and prepare for the upcoming tasks to deliver the product “just in time”!

This method requires thorough interaction and transparency to enable the team members to be equipped with the right stage of the development at any time and have a cohesive flow of work at all times.

Similar to Scrum, Kanban is the process developed for supporting collaborative teamwork more effectively. It works adequately on three principles;

  • For visualizing what to perform today, i.e, workflow automation, that specifies all the elements, under the context of each other, could be very informative.

  • For bounding the quantity of work in progress to maintain harmony in the flow-based approach, so that teams can‘t begin and commit extra work at once.

  • For boosting flow, like, when some task is about to complete, the next priority would be item into play from the backlog.

4. Extreme Programming(XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a methodology that emphasizes teamwork, communication, and feedback. Generally being used with Scrum, it can focus on how Agile can increase customer satisfaction, instead of delivering at the entirety, the customer seeks for the near future, it provides them what they demand at present.

Similar to scrum, this method also uses sprints or short development cycles. This is developed by a team to create a productive and highly efficient environment.

Extreme Programming technique is very supportive in a situation of constant and varying demands from the customers. It motivates the developers to accept changes in the customer’s demands, even if they pop-up in an advanced phase of the development process.

In Extreme Programming, the project is tested from the initial stages by collecting feedback that progresses the output of the system. This also presents a spot check to implement easily any customer requirements.

XP method is basically based on the four simple values: * Uniformity, * Simplicity * Communication, * Feedback and * Endurance.

5. Crystal

In actual, the Crystal Methodology is a class of small agile methodologies that incorporate Crystal Clear, Crystal Yellow, Crystal Red and many more. Every methodology has its own specific framework that is characterized by factors such as system criticality, team size, and project priorities. Depending on the nature of the project or system criticality such as Comfort (C), Essential Money (E), Discretionary Money (D), and Life (L), the kind of crystal agile methodology is chosen.

It is introduced by Alistair Cockburn while participated in writing the Agile manifesto for software development.

Including three factors that define that traits of a project are team size, system seriousness, and project preferences where projects are categorized into four levels, based on the system criticality, that are; * Comfort (C), * Discretionary Money (D), * Essential Money (E), and * Life (L).

Depending on the size of the project, the most number of people can be involved in the project, i.e., gigantic the project, more the people involved.

If the project is large, many roles can be accounted for and vice versa. Moreover, crystal methodology is converged on interaction, people, expertise, communication, skills, and community.

6. Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)

To address the need for a standard industry charter for the swift delivery of software, the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) was developed.

DSDM gives a comprehensive structure that is defined and modified to create a plan, execute, manage, and scale the procedure of software development.

However, this is iterative, incremental and Rapid Application Development(RAD) methodology. The framework of DSDM incorporates feasibility and business studies, prototype iteration and functional model, design and develop iteration, and deployment.

Basically, DSDM works on eight principles, that guide the team and build a perspective for delivering a product on time and under budget, are : * To converge on the business requirement, * Deliver on time, * Collaborate, * Nevermore negotiate quality, * Create incrementally from firm associations, * Expand iteratively, * Communicate frequently and clearly, and * Manifest control.

Based on a business-driven approach and eight principles, the DSDM believes that modifications to the project are always expected, and quality with timely delivery must never be negotiated.

7. Feature Driven Development (FDD)

Being an iterative and accumulative development process, FDD is a lightweight, agile methodology to develop software. It mixes various industry-established best practices into united as a whole. These practices are encouraged in terms of a feature-first perspective while aiming at creating values for the client.

However, the main purpose lies in delivering stable, working software frequently on time. The five core activities under FDD involve; * Designing an entire model, * Making features lists, * Designing, * Developing and * Building through features.

FDD is a constructive, arranged, centred method for the entire software workflow management and a reliable choice for software-focused teams and associations.

Differences between Agile and Scrum

  • Agile is a philosophy, whereas Scrum is a type of Agile methodology
  • Scrum is broken down into shorter sprints and smaller deliverables, while in Agile everything is delivered at the end of the project
  • Agile involves members from various cross-functional teams, while a Scrum project team includes specific roles, such as the Scrum Master and Product Owner