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Passing Parameter

  • Demonstrate the passing of parameters in Applet File.

    <title>Passing Parameter to Applet</title>

    <applet code="" height = "300" width = "300">
        <param name="fontName" value="Comic Sans MS">
        <param name="fontSize" value="40">
        <param name="leadingfontName" value="14.80">
        <param name="active" value="true">

Java File
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;

// Following HTML chunk will pass parameter to Applet. This is comment for Java Compiler but not for appletviewer, so altering the attribute of parameter never compell to recompile again.

    <applet code = "ParamDemo" height = "500" width = "500">
        <param name = "fontName" value = "Comic Sans MS">
        <param name = "fontSize" value = "40">
        <param name = "leading" value = "14.80">
        <param name = "active" value = "true">
public class ParamDemo extends Applet {
    String fontName;
    String param;
    int fontSize;
    float leading;
    boolean active;

    public void init() {

        // Param is not used here because to get the String value and again to pass to String, no temp variable (param) is needed.
        fontName = getParameter("fontName");
        if (fontName == null) {
            fontName = "Not Specified";

        // Param is used as temporary String variable which retrieves the parameter passed.

        param = getParameter("fontSize");
        try {
            if (param != null) {
                fontSize = Integer.parseInt(param); // Converts the number in String to Integer data type.
            } else {
                fontSize = 0;
        } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
            fontSize = 0;

        param = getParameter("leading");
        try {
            if (param != null) {
                leading = Float.valueOf(param).floatValue(); // Converts the number in String to Float data type.
            } else {
                leading = 0f;
        } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
            leading = 0f;
        param = getParameter("active");
        if (param != null) {
            active = Boolean.valueOf(param).booleanValue(); // Converts the boolean value in String to Boolean data type.

    public void paint(Graphics graphicsObject) {
        graphicsObject.drawString("Font Name : " + fontName, 100, 50);
        graphicsObject.drawString("Font Size : " + fontName, 100, 60);
        graphicsObject.drawString("Leading : " + leading, 100, 70);
        graphicsObject.drawString("Active : " + active, 100, 80);


Display Available Fonts

  • Display the available fonts in the system.
    /* This shows the available fonts in Host Computer. */
    /* <applet code = "AvailableFonts" height ="300" width = "300" ></applet> */
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class AvailableFonts extends Applet {
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
            String message = ""; // Initialize string to empty first.
            String fontLists[];
            /* I don't get the below line. */
            GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
            fontLists = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
            for (String fontList : fontLists) {
                message += fontList + "\n ";
                g.drawString(message, 10, 20);

Custom Font and Size

  • Demonstrating applet with custom font text and size.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    // This HTML chunk is for passing parameter to appletviewer.
        <applet code = "Introduction" height = "200" width = "500">
            <param name = "fontName" value = "Tahoma">
            <param name = "fontSize" value = "16">
            <param name = "title" value = "Introduction">
            <param name = "message" value = " >> I read in Gandaki College of Information and Science.">
    public class CustomFont extends Applet{
        String param;
        String fontName;
        String title;
        String message;
        int fontSize;
        // We are defining our custom font. So, font object is created.
        Font myFont;
        public void init()
            fontName = getParameter("fontName");
            if(fontName == null)
                fontName = "TimesRoman";
            title = getParameter("title");
            if(title == null)
                title = "Untitled";
            message = getParameter("message");
            if(message == null)
                message = "Write your description here.";
            param = getParameter("fontSize");
                if(param != null)
                    fontSize = Integer.parseInt(param);
                    fontSize = 10; // parameter pass garyo tara integer parse vayena vane
            }catch(NumberFormatException exc)
                fontSize = 15; // Parameter nai pass garena vane chahi yo run huncha
        public void paint(Graphics g)
            // Font object Syntax  : Font(font_name, Font.font_type, font_size);  
            myFont = new Font(fontName,Font.BOLD,fontSize);
            g.setFont(myFont); // Setting the defined font for this object.
            setBackground(; // Setting background color.
            setForeground(Color.white); // Setting foreground color.
            myFont = new Font(fontName,Font.PLAIN,fontSize); // Defining new font-style for displaying message. 
            g.setFont(myFont); // Setting the new font.

Draw Nepali Flag

  • Draw the Nepali Flag using the Applet and graphics.
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
        <applet code = "Flag" width = "500" height = "500"></applet>
    public class Flag extends Applet {
        static Color NEPALIFLAG = new Color(221, 12, 39); // Defines custom color
        public void paint(Graphics flag) {
            // Figure starts from (210,10)
            // For upper traingle
            int upperTriangleX[] = { 210, 360, 210 }; // +150 for upper triangle
            int upperTriangleY[] = { 10, 160, 160 };
            // g.drawPolygon(upperTriangleX,upperTriangleY,3); // Also can be drawn like
            // this.
            Polygon upperTriangle = new Polygon(upperTriangleX, upperTriangleY, 3);
            flag.setColor(NEPALIFLAG); // Setting color of our brave Gorkha Soldiers Blood
            // For lower traingle
            int lowerTriangleX[] = { 210, 390, 210 }; // +180 for lower triangle
            int lowerTriangleY[] = { 160, 340, 340 };
            Polygon lowerTriangle = new Polygon(lowerTriangleX, lowerTriangleY, 3);
            // For standing rod
            int rodX[] = { 207, 210, 210, 207 };
            int rodY[] = { 7, 7, 500, 498 };
            Polygon rod = new Polygon(rodX, rodY, 4);
            // For borders
            int borderX[] = { 210, 210, 360, 210, 390, 210, 210, 396, 216, 366 }; // 3 units
            int borderY[] = { 7, 10, 160, 160, 340, 340, 343, 343, 163, 163 };
            Polygon border = new Polygon(borderX, borderY, 10);
            // For moon
            // One Oval overlaps other Oval to form a Crescent moon; I was unable to learn
            // drawArc() at this moment.
            flag.fillOval(240, 100, 30, 30); // Synatx : fillOval(int xPosition, int yPosition, width, height)
            flag.fillOval(240, 91, 30, 30);
            // For star
            int starX[] = { 240, 250, 255, 260, 270, 265, 270, 260, 255, 250, 240, 245 };
            int starY[] = { 260, 260, 250, 260, 260, 270, 280, 280, 290, 280, 280, 270 }; // Starting is 240
            Polygon star = new Polygon(starX, starY, 12);