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  • name for program for identification purpose.
  • Can be classname, method name, variable name or label name also.
  • is case sensitive.
  • is any sequence of letters, digits, " _ " , " $ " characters that doesn't begin with a digit.

How many identifier here ?

class Hello{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int numOne = 20;
        int numTwo = 10;

String -> Wrapper Class
main -> Name of function/identifier args -> arguments (variable, used for passing Command Line Arguments)
numOne, numTwo -> Variable
Hello -> Class Name

class Test{
    int num = 10;
    int NUM = 20;
    int Num = 30;

Java is case-sensitive and all three declaration of variables are valid.


  • Identifier length is not limit.
  • Max character - no length limit
    int while = 20; ❌
    int String = 9; ✅

String is class name, now reserved word.