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Reserved Words

Reserved Word Keywords
Java reserved words are the words that are reserved by Java functions or other uses that cannot be used as identifiers (e.g., variable names, function names, class names) Keywords are the reserved words that keep special meaning in Java. (e.g. for, int, class ,etc.)
They are 53 in number till now. They are 50 in number.
All reserved words cannot be keywords. All keywords are reserved words.

Reserved Words

Used Keywords :

  • Exception Handling (6)
  • Class Related (6)
  • Object Related (4)
  • For Data Type (8)
  • Control Flow (11)
  • Modifier (11)
  • Return Type (1) -> void
  • Enum(1) -> enum

Exception Handling (6)

1. try
2. catch
3. finally
4. throw
5. throws
6. assert
1. class
2. interface
3. extends
4. implements
5. package
6. import

For Data Type (8)

1. byte
2. short
3. int
4. long
5. float
6. double
7. boolean
8. char

Control Flow (11)

1. if
2. else
3. switch
4. case
5. default
6. while
7. do
8. for
9. break
10. continue
11. return

Modifier (11)

1. public
2. private
3. protected
4. static
5. final
6. abstract
7. synchronized
8. native 
9. strictfp
10. transient
11. volatile